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Zendesk vs Intercom: Which is better?

By | 2024-06-27T20:40:51+02:00 2024年5月27日|Categories: Artificial intelligence (AI)|

Zendesk Support app Help Center Also, it’s the pioneer in the support and communication tools market. You can always count on it if you need a reliable customer support platform to process tickets, support users, and get advanced reporting. Combining these two powerhouses improves the management of customer tickets and support inquiries. Intercom transforms Zendesk into [...]


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这个滑块可以在主题选项中打开或关闭,并且可以占据您投掷的任何小部件,甚至可以使用您的自定义HTML代码来填充。 它是完美的抓住你的观众的注意。 选择1,2,3或4列,设置背景颜色,小部件分隔符颜色,激活透明度,顶部边框或在桌面和手机上完全禁用它。